• 1 child from Navjeevan completed her class X and is in UP for her higher and doing a small job
  • One of the girl is completing her XII and also privately taking tuition.
  • The children had diploma course in Bharatanatyam, they have completed the 2nd year.
  • They are thought dance and music every Saturdays
  • This year we have taken 10 new children to Navjeevan Home.
  • We also have sad news that 3 bigger girls let for home to get married without completing their studies.
  • They are given workshop on “motivation to perceiver in their study” and counselling and group therapy”
  • They had a shot picnic
  • We had the celebrations on all the important days
  • Regular medical check-up and counselling is done for the Pratyasha, Slum and Navjeevan girls.